
Photo by Rodolfo Quiru00f3s on Pexels.com
I fall in love multiple times a day
I am wooed by the beauty of the waking sky
The feel of hot water on my skin
The rich deep smell of brewing coffee
Enchanted with my children's laughter
A stranger's smile as we pass on the street
A friend's text message saying hello
Captivated by the crescent moon in a starry sky
A blazing sunset over a summer ocean
The fog spilling into the valley over the coastal mountains
There's so much to love if one chooses to look
So much to be delighted by
All it takes is a willingness to see the possibilities in the world


On Joy

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.com
My word for the new year is "joy"
This is not a word I feel in my bones right now
The feel of it in my mouth is foreign
I cannot swallow it because it catches in my throat
But it doesn't want to crawl back out
It wants to be consumed so it can plant itself inside of me
It wants to grow and flourish like a flowering vine
Wrapping itself around my heart and soul 
And pulling me out of fear and despair
Joy wishes to drop its seeds into my darkness like a lotus
Where they can take root and bloom within my disturbance
Transforming my world from muddy hopelessness
Into vibrant newness and luminous hope

Profound Gratitude

Photo by Victoria Emerson on Pexels.com
Given gifts of joy
Being fully seated in the body
Experiencing full presence
Lingering moments of stillness
Rooted in sense memory
Reminding me how to be fully whole
Fusing me to the earth and heaven
In the space between breaths
Leaving me in profound and 
All-encompassing gratitude for being alive
