Tell Your Story

Tell your story
Detail your plot twists
Describe how you penned your own ending
How you dreamt your next prolific chapter
You are proof that dragons can be slain
Villains can be outwitted
That the condemned can become the hero
Be the light that illuminates someone else’s
Pages through your inspiration
Show that soul their narrative can be altered
Show that soul their misery can become triumph
Because you have told them it can be done
Because you have shown them it was done


I Want

Photo by Kelly on
I want to live in a cabin between the woods and the sea
I want to smell mossy earth and pine resin at daybreak
Wood smoke and salt air at sunset
I want to be surrounded by books and filtered sunlight
Candles, blank pages, and moonlight
I want to walk with hopes by day
And dance with dreams by night
I want to watch banana slugs explore my garden
I want to hear the chorus of crashing waves
Gulls crying exultantly from the sky
Wind playing chase through the cypress boughs

I want to be free of the chains of expectations
Free of the weight of the looming other shoe
I wish not to drink from any more bitter cups
Fall on any more swords
Remove twisted daggers from my back
I crave peace
I crave relationships that are mutually supportive
That nurture souls
That transact in honesty



Not everyday will be warmed by the sun
And not everyday will be dampened by rain
Some days we triumph
And some days we feel the sting of disappointment
Everyday dawns with infinite possibilities
Everyday grants an unblemished fresh start
Sit at the junction between waking and dreaming a while
And stare at the dawning of possibility
Breaking over the horizon
And when you greet the world each morning
Let the hope of infinite paths
Energize your curious being
To discover the greatness that awaits you



Photo by Flo Dahm on
If wishes were grains of sand
I'd own beach front property

If hopes were shooting stars
Every night would be the Perseids

If dreams were glitter
I'd be a drag queen on a Saturday night

If fairy tales were real
True love's kiss would have delivered me from my waking trials

But I do not live at the beach
Or sleep below a light-streaked sky

I do not glitter on a stage
And there is no magical happy ever after

I, instead, walk moment to moment
Doing my best to keep my feet

I rub weariness from my eyes
And sadness from my heart

And despite myself, I continue to wish and hope and dream
Because my dreamer's heart is more stubborn than my jaded mind


Be Where Your Feet Are

Be where your feet are.
Take note of the air moving in and out of your lungs.
Be still enough to hear the rhythmic ticking of the clock. 
These will tether you when you feel you are on unstable ground.
And love. 
Share it.  Receive it.  
Keep your heart open so you can recognize it.
It will help hope stay afloat. 

Something Greater

Photo by Pixabay on

When my heart is heavy I turn to you

I know you are there

waiting for me with open arms

offering comfort, love, serenity

I know you cannot remove my trials

I also know that you can help lighten the load by taking my tears

my sorrows

my angers, resentments, and animosities

you do not judge me for my smallness or my pettiness

you do not scold me for not making the next right choice

you love me

you hold my hurt like a mother does a child and kiss it away

the injury remains, but the sting is less

because your love is a salve like no other

you gift me with words and inspiration

so that I can bare my soul’s truth into the light

and start to let it go so that I am not transfigured

by my own anger and sorrow

you take my heartache and hand me joy

and you do it while reminding me that every day’s sunset

makes way for the next morning’s dawn where hope is born anew
