Tell Your Story

Tell your story
Detail your plot twists
Describe how you penned your own ending
How you dreamt your next prolific chapter
You are proof that dragons can be slain
Villains can be outwitted
That the condemned can become the hero
Be the light that illuminates someone else’s
Pages through your inspiration
Show that soul their narrative can be altered
Show that soul their misery can become triumph
Because you have told them it can be done
Because you have shown them it was done


Strong Alone

I read, “and in the end, all I learned was how to be strong alone.”

I disagree.

In the end, I have learned that living a kind and authentic life earns you connections with good people with big hearts who are willing to catch and hold you when you fall.

Strength cannot exist without vulnerability. You only have to be alone if you choose to shut the world out.

Be willing to be vulnerable.
Be willing to ask for help.
Be more willing to receive help.
Build a loving village.

You don’t have to be alone to be strong.
Being alone is a choice, not a consequence.


Encouragement for the New Poet

A reply to an Instagram poet’s profile quote

You are everything and your words are but an opportunity to climb a tower of knowing to get to you.
Those who do not rise to the challenge to make handholds of your lyrics and footholds of your prose are the ones whose lives lack the enrichment of your visions and the music of your descriptions
They are the ones who hold nothing in their hands while you hold the world
