How Poems Are Like Orgasms

Photo by Gantas Vaiu010diulu0117nas on
Poems begin with desire 
Deep and persistent
Feverish and demanding
They demand attention
Needful hungry things
Finicky in how they want to be handled
Not touched by just any words
They must be the RIGHT words
Poems demand intimate connection
Crave it
Require it
They require time to build
A sacred dance between poet and pen
The stimulation of mind and soul
Identification and reflection of the human experience
Poems must touch the most intimate parts of us
Where human and universe converge
Grasping and pulling feelings to the surface
Until the soul explodes in prismatic truths
Leaving the skin erupted in goosebumps
Pupils dilated and breath quickened
The soul's hunger satisfied
Poems demand nothing less


Artist Moon

Photo by Alexandro David on
The artist moon is calling
The one that makes the blood restless
And the mind discontent
The one that replaces sleep
With lightning storms of inspiration
The moon raises the spirit of dreams unrealized
And fantasies unlived
It whispers of wild woods and scented winds
Of primal needs and elaborate, lucid dreams
I am held captive in the moon's tides
Ebbing and flowing as I map my own constellations in its sky
And so my mind churns
My pen moves
Channeling the lightning into art
Painting the moon's energy with barely adequate words
In a desperate attempt to contain the results of its demanding influence


The New Notebook

Photo by Pixabay on

I am invited by these blank pages

to bear into the light

the secrets of my soul

my night visions and wild imaginings

fantastical whimsies

and deepest truths

born onto these waiting lines

magic erupting from my soul’s well

each babbling bubble brimming

with something eager to be fixed to paper

transfigured from infinite potential

into eternalized reality

a golem of ink and words

let loose to walk unknown paths along others’ souls

leaving quiet footsteps which will fade

like water on concrete after a rain

my eyes follow the pen strokes

they are rhythmic like the rising

and falling of meditative breath made manifest

casting a spell of freedom and release


Word Therapy

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Poetry is my word therapy

It is where I take the overwhelming abstractness of my emotions

And mold it into something comprehensible

Taking the feelings inside

And creating a scaffolding made of words on which to hang

Stanzas containing descriptions, analogies, and written visualizations

I am able to take what is chaotic and undefined

And give it structure and meaning

Like a potter transforms a formless lump of clay

Into a beautiful piece of finished pottery

A manipulation born of skill, practice, and talent

Which creates a piece that describes, conveys, and evokes

The essence of the soul on fire



I spill ink in controlled rivulets across an unstained page, setting down with curves and flourishes the tangled, unintelligible, intangible emotional illiteracies of my mind now transmuted into words and phrases, provoked into life, and now chained irrevocably into place by pen, hand, and mind.
