A Love Letter for Those Who Love Me

Thank you all for being my angels
My bowling lane bumper guards
My Jiminy Crickets
My chorus of friends and family
Who say the things I have had so much trouble saying to myself
For constantly reminding me that the children and I
Demand, command, and deserve
To be held most valuable
For reminding me that no matter how terrible I feel about what I am doing
That there is a greater good that I must serve
That of the wellbeing of my family of three growing souls and one old, weary one
“I love you,” is hardly powerful enough
“I’m grateful,” is impotent in its ability to deliver the depth
Of what I feel for what you are doing for me and my children
You have filled the many holes in me with light and love and patience and grace
This journey hasn’t drowned me because you have pulled my head from beneath the water
Gently reminding me to breathe until I can remember how to float again
I know I wouldn’t be at this place
Walking forward one painful step at a time without all of you
Picking me up and cheering me on


Words Are Not Enough

Photo by wewe yang on Pexels.com
I am on my knees 
Breathless from the radiance in my chest
My cheeks are streaked with tears of humility and appreciation
And I am humbled by the grace shown to me by those who know me
And some who don't
I never realized how hard it is to ask for help until I needed to do it
Until I put down pride, removed my gauntlets, and stepped aside 
Vulnerable and scared
And let people see I needed them
And they showed up
They offered in ways I never could have imagined
With selfless generosity soaked thoroughly in their love
Concerned about my well being and success
And not returns and reciprocation
It's difficult not to feel like I need to do something
Say something
Offer something more than gratitude in return
So I come here to this blank page to release my love
To try to give voice to my gratitude in a sorely inadequate way
In an attempt to say, Thank you, to everyone
Thank you so much

The Note

Photo by GWS
I received this wonderful note in the mail today. I happened to be looking at a FB post from the person who sent it when I opened it. It is a beautiful expression of appreciation and love, unexpected but wholly welcomed. It came on a day when it is a hard day. Where getting out of bed was hard. Fighting through the school day was hard. Where focusing on work is hard. This person’s words served a divine purpose with divine timing. I needed something to remind me I am enough. Something to remind me that I am seen in this moment when I’m feeling my most hopeless and helpless. Something to remind me that there is love and friendship and beautiful simplicity in my world to buoy my spirit in rough waters. Thank you, beautiful new friend. Your thoughtfulness threw me a lifeline today. I am blessed to know you and blessed to have the opportunity to get to know you better in the future. Thank you more than words can convey.

Profound Gratitude

Photo by Victoria Emerson on Pexels.com
Given gifts of joy
Being fully seated in the body
Experiencing full presence
Lingering moments of stillness
Rooted in sense memory
Reminding me how to be fully whole
Fusing me to the earth and heaven
In the space between breaths
Leaving me in profound and 
All-encompassing gratitude for being alive
