My Step 2 Prayer

Photo by Nandhu Kumar on
I am only in control of my choices and reactions
I accept that I am not my own higher power
I recognize that in order to begin to experience serenity I must accept that I am powerless over people places and things
I will be present in the understanding that "Thy will be done"
I know your hand guides my life through all joys and hardships
I have experienced many times the presence of your influence when I choose to believe that you have y back through any storm
You have never failed to provide and lead me to gentler shores
I ask you to oversee my journey through the twelve steps
Please continue to place me where I can be taught by the experience, strength, and hope of others who have walked the path of recovery, both before and after me
Continue to help me grow and to learn how to care about myself and take care of myself when the chaos of others bangs on my door looking to disrupt my hard earned serenity
Help me to be open to truly discovering and uncovering more about myself
Help me be brave in the face of hard truths
Help me to be brave enough to be true to myself when fear motivates old patterns in my behavoir
Help me remember how to show up as my best self or to forgive myself when I don't
Guide me from step to step and from day to day as I practice what I am learning on this journey
Help me walk honestly and to be vulnerable when appropriate
Use my voice to help others when I share my experiences
Place me in the time and place that I am needed and that I need
Be the gateway that marks my path to a new way of living and continue to speak loudly in my life as you always have
Help me to remember you are always beside me, even in the darkest despair
You are always the light of hope that reminds me it cannot always be night
I surrender to your loving will and plan for my life
I am only in control of my choices and reactions
I accept that I am not my own higher power
I recognize that in order to begin to experience serenity I must accept that I am powerless over people places and things
I will be present in the understanding that "Thy will be done"
I know your hand guides my life through all joys and hardships
I have experienced many times the presence of your influence when I choose to believe that you have y back through any storm
You have never failed to provide and lead me to gentler shores
I ask you to oversee my journey through the twelve steps
Please continue to place me where I can be taught by the experience, strength, and hope of others who have walked the path of recovery, both before and after me
Continue to help me grow and to learn how to care about myself and take care of myself when the chaos of others bangs on my door looking to disrupt my hard earned serenity
Help me to be open to truly discovering and uncovering more about myself
Help me be brave in the face of hard truths
Help me to be brave enough to be true to myself when fear motivates old patterns in my behavoir
Help me remember how to show up as my best self or to forgive myself when I don't
Guide me from step to step and from day to day as I practice what I am learning on this journey
Help me walk honestly and to be vulnerable when appropriate
Use my voice to help others when I share my experiences
Place me in the time and place that I am needed and that I need
Be the gateway that marks my path to a new way of living and continue to speak loudly in my life as you always have
Help me to remember you are always beside me, even in the darkest despair
You are always the light of hope that reminds me it cannot always be night
I surrender to your loving will and plan for my life



A conversation with God

Photo by Sindre Stru00f8m on
Why can't I hear you?
Because you are not quiet.
Why can't I feel you?
Because you are not still.
Why can't I trust you?
Because you are surrendering to fear and not faith.

I am speaking to you in songs on the radio.
I am comforting you when you feel the breeze drying your tears.
I am supporting you even though you feel you are falling.
I am reminding you that I am with you in conversations with your friends.

My love is stronger than your doubt.  
My strength is greater than your fear.
My arms surround you when you grieve.
My cheers lift you when you achieve.

I know you are facing what feels insurmountable.
I know you are grieving and frightened.
You must remember that I will not abandon you.
You must remember that I will see you through.

You are my child.
Made from stardust and moonlight.
I will believe in you when you do not believe in yourself.
I will stand strong when your knees buckle.
I will hold vigil when you walk through darkness.
I will love you through all things.


Gentle Mother, Goddess of Light

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on
Gentle Mother, Goddess of Light
Who is my provider and peacemaker
My guardian and counselor
Who is my teacher and my grace
I lay my weary head down upon your thigh
And relax into your comforting embrace
As a child with her mother
I release my fears and worries over to your care
And float, unburdened, in the warmth of your love
I bare to you my imperfections and am reminded that I am exactly as I am meant to be
I ask you to guide me to always do the next right thing
I ask you to remind me to be as forgiving of myself as you are of me
My love and trust in you are perfect
As your love and guidance for me is perfect
Help me to be where my feet are
Help me to manifest strength when I need
Help me to think and act with compassion for others and myself
Help me to forgive more willingly
Help me to know and live my truth regardless of others' understanding of it
Help me to set aside my defenses and listen with empathy
Help me to find a little more patience when I fall short
Help me to know when to stand and when to withdraw
May I be humbled and inspired by you
And may I manifest your motherly love in all directions I travel in this life

Something Greater

Photo by Pixabay on

When my heart is heavy I turn to you

I know you are there

waiting for me with open arms

offering comfort, love, serenity

I know you cannot remove my trials

I also know that you can help lighten the load by taking my tears

my sorrows

my angers, resentments, and animosities

you do not judge me for my smallness or my pettiness

you do not scold me for not making the next right choice

you love me

you hold my hurt like a mother does a child and kiss it away

the injury remains, but the sting is less

because your love is a salve like no other

you gift me with words and inspiration

so that I can bare my soul’s truth into the light

and start to let it go so that I am not transfigured

by my own anger and sorrow

you take my heartache and hand me joy

and you do it while reminding me that every day’s sunset

makes way for the next morning’s dawn where hope is born anew
